
DIY Restoration Hardware Stone Vase

Find out how to make this Restoration Hardware look alike vase with a few household items and a trusty can of spray paint.

DIY Restoration Hardware vase

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Before I show you how I made this dup vase on a budget, let me just tell you to be prepared for imperfection. It’s kind of ironic that we go out and spend a fortune on these home décor items that look like they’ve been dug out of the ground right?

It’s even more ridiculous that I spent so much time yesterday trying to perfect this imperfect look.

This project is part of the Thrifty Thursday series where I team up with some very talented bloggers to bring you some great inexpensive and unique ideas to help you love your home. So be sure to check out the other Thrifty Thursday projects at the bottom of this post.

And if you’re just joining from one of the other blogger’s sites, then welcome to The Lived-in Look!

Restoration hardware INSPIRED dup

I wanted to copy this Restoration Hardware piece so bad that I kept going at this in several ways over and over again. To top it off, I was being taunted by several carpenter bees while working outside the entire time.

DIY Restoration Hardware vase

My husband came home and told me I looked like a crazy lady swinging around a tennis racket while talking smack to a bunch of bees.

Hey, I was just defending my turf, and my project, which they seemed overly interested in. At least somebody liked it.

Hubby said he didn’t understand why I was creating something filthy just to put it on our mantel. Silly husband, they just don’t understand our love for overpriced home décor that looks really old. Can’t say I blame him.

DIY Restoration Hardware Stone Vase

I’m a bit of a vase hoarder. They’re always available at thrift stores and probably one of the easiest and most inexpensive items to give a quick makeover.

Loving all of the “found” pottery look vases lately, I’ve been dying to try some DIY techniques to achieve that same old weathered and worn look.

Gather Supplies for your DIY RH vase

How to make this DIY Restoration hardware look alike vase

I’d like to tell you there’s an exact step-by step process for this, but I was literally throwing spaghetti at the wall yesterday to see what stuck to make this project work.

So instead I’m going to tell you what I did to achieve this look, and what I’ll likely be trying next time, because I heart old stuff and there will be another vase makeover in my future I’m sure.

Spray paint your vase

DIY Restoration Hardware vase

You’ll want to prep your vase with a matte black spray paint and allow it to dry for several hours. I gave my old vase a thorough cleaning and then worked in short blasts of spray paint to cover the vase in very thin layers. Avoid holding the spray paint trigger too long or you’ll end up with runny paint drips on your vase that can cause your fake plaster not to stick.

DIY Restoration Hardware vase

 I applied the paint in 3 thin coats allowing it to dry for an hour in between each time.

DIY Restoration Hardware vase

Honestly, I think matte black vases are very modern and I love the look itself. I contemplated just stopping there, but might try this look on a vase with a different shape.

DIY Restoration Hardware vase

Mix your plaster of Paris

I didn’t feel like running to the store just for plaster of paris so I googled homemade recipes.  To my surprise this stuff is pretty easy to make, but of course I didn’t even have the main ingredient on hand (flour). So I substituted:

  • 1 part warm water
  • 2 parts flour (I used arrowroot flour – seemed to do the trick just fine)
DIY Restoration Hardware vase

Add in your dirt or soil

I know, it seems a little strange, but just stick with me. I didn’t bother to measure out how much dirt I added, I just sort of continued to mix it into my homemade plaster of paris to achieve a thick gray, gritty paste.

Start applying the paste to your vase

I had no clue what I was doing here, so my kitchen looked like a hot mess while I tried to work quickly to apply the paste to my vase. I would probably recommend taking this part outdoors where you don’t mind getting dirty.

Using my hands, I just slathered the soil mixture sideways all over the vase. The thicker the better, because you can always rub off any excess once it dries.

DIY Restoration Hardware vase

Yes, it looks like a gross mess, and yes, you will second guess whether or not you just ruined your vase.

It does, and you didn’t.

Carry on.

Allow your vase to dry

I must’ve gotten extremely lucky, because I couldn’t have asked for better weather while working on this project outside.

I put my vase in the sunniest possible spot to dry and it was good and hardened within an hour.

DIY Restoration Hardware vase

This is the point where my husband chimed in and said that it looks like it’s covered in bird poop. Many eye rolls were shot his way.

This was also the point where I considered he might be right. So I dug out the spray paint can and covered it all back up – DON’T do this. Just leave it alone. It’s fine, I promise.

Remove the excess plaster

Using your hands, generously roughen up the surface of your vase to remove plaster from some of the thicker areas of your vase.

There’s really no right or wrong to this step. Just go with whatever look you prefer. More or less worn for a chippy look.

Go for a second layer (Optional)

This was just me being a perfectionist. But I wanted some more variation of color and texture on the vase. This time around I added the plaster mixture onto the vase again but, immediately dabbed some soil onto the wet paste and allowed it to dry. It almost gives it a hint of brown.

DIY Restoration Hardware vase
DIY Restoration Hardware vase

Then, I repeated roughening up the surface again to remove some of the excess dried plaster mixture.

DIY Restoration Hardware vase
DIY Restoration Hardware vase

I’m really happy with how my little DIY restoration hardware vase turned out. I already have ideas to try this project again while incorporating some brown paint colors or even sand into the process for a light brown texture.

DIY Restoration Hardware vase

I hope you enjoyed this post, and don’t forget to hop over to the other Thrifty Thursday projects and show them some love!


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  1. This looks like such a fun project. I never would have thought to rub dirt on my decor, but it turned out great! Thanks for broadening my decor making horizons.

  2. Your post made me laugh with all your husbands comments. Like they say you can’t judge a piece of art until it’s complete! I like the texture you created in the vase. Very cool! 💗 Elizabeth

    1. I was laughing too about “runny paint drips on your vase”. All covered with dirt texture, why bother with drips then? No sense. :-)))

  3. Okay, this turned out cool. I love the texture. I’m sure my husband would think I’m crazy for attempting this too but it looks so good and dirt is cheap! Thanks for sharing!

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